Saturday, August 8, 2009

Phil 3:7 - Sacrificing for the Kingdom’s sake

Phi 3:7 “…What things were gain to me, these have I counted loss for Christ…” (ASV) 
Paul’s aim in life was to please the one who called him. So he forgot about everything that was around him and focused on his target. Paul’s absolute focus gave him an absolute willingness to forget about things in life that really did not matter. Here are some of the things that were gain to him but he counted loss for Christ’s sake:

1. His Heritage: a Hebrew of the Hebrews (Phil: 3:5)

2. His Pure lineage: from the tribe of Benjamin (v.5)

3. His former legalism: a strict Pharisee (v.5)

4. His past zeal: a persecutor of the church (v.6)

5. His self righteousness: a blameless life (v.6)

The determination to be focused on God’s ways caused Paul to discard not only the things he once counted as gain, but he counted everything as garbage for the sake of obtaining Christ. He would loose it all if that allowed him to gain intimacy with Christ (Phil 3:8-9).

Paul thought the advantages of birth, of education, and of external conformity to the law to be gain - that is, to be of vast advantage in the matter of salvation. He valued himself on these things, and supposed that he was rich in all that pertained to moral character and to religion.” Perhaps, also, he refers to these things as laying the foundation of a hope of future advancement in honor and in wealth in this world. They commended him to the rulers of the nation; they opened before him a brilliant prospect of distinction; they made it certain that he could rise to posts of honor and of office, and could easily gratify all the aspirings of his ambition.

He now regards them all as so much loss. They were really a disadvantage - a hindrance - an injury. He looks upon them, not as gain or an advantage, but as an obstacle to his salvation.” He had relied on them. He had been led by these things to an improper estimate of his own character, and he had been thus hindered from embracing the true religion. He says, therefore, that he now renounced all dependence on them; that he esteemed them not as contributing to his salvation, but, so far as any reliance should be placed on them, as in fact so much loss.

People who made an impact on other people were willing to sacrifice, not for their sake, but for the sake of the their faith:

1. Moses left his glorious position in the palace because he was willing to be used by God.

2. Joseph left the house of Potipher with a clean heart and a clean hand because he was focused on God’s holiness.

3. Daniel and friends rejected the royal meal because they were focused on God’s word that did not permit them to eat that which was offered to the idols.

4. David had to spent many days in the caves and cliffs because he was not willing to touch God’s anointed.

5. Abraham left his household, business and relatives and went to a new land he had never seen before, because he was focused on the unseen kingdom of God.

When we are ready to make sacrifices, God starts t work in and through us. The more we are content with our blessings and ourselves; there will be no room for God to use us. When we count everything around us garbage, we will be able to focus that which is noble and beneficial in the kingdom of God.


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